Thursday, March 21, 2013

The World's Technological Growth

The fact that I found most surprising was the one concerning supercomputers performing computation more effectively than the human brain. Others I found surprising were the one about how we have five times as many words in English now than in Shakespeare's age and the one about how fast information gets outdated, especially when pursuing a technical degree.
In the future, technology will become completely indispensable to human activities, interactions, and careers. People not trained to operate technology will be severely disadvantaged. Also, we will have to be readily adapted to frequent changes since technology updates itself rather quickly.

I don't expect much non-technological change to occur 10 years from now. Hopefully, the economic troubles in the world will lessen by then. Technology will be far more advanced in 10 years. As a result, we'll have much more alternatives to activities we do today.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


the thing that suprised me the most was the things about google and facebook and the exponential increase in use of certain electronics. In order to be successful in the future you need to have technological skills and or medical skills because those two fields will always need occupation. in the future, i think that the world will over populate and we will need to move some people to he moon or something. i also think that companies like facebook will have lots of power.

did you know?

What facts from the video surprised you?

in this video they mention the top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004. We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist

What skills do you think you will need to be successful in the future?

in my opinion in the future, human health care jobs will be increase.
Because people are living longer and it cause the increasing population of elderly.

What do you think life will be like in 10 years here in New Mexico, in the U.S., and in the world?
 In my opinion in the future, the population growth rate will decreasing. Because i think lots of young people in New Mexico will leave the New Mexico city.

Did You Know 3.0

1.) In response to the video clip, discuss the following questions on the class blog:  

q.What facts from the video surprised you?

a. That the amount of texts that are sent today exceeded the total population of today  Another surprising fact was the amount of internet devices in the world are allot. There was also the facts the amount of babies that born while watching that video first it started in the US the to china and then into India with the biggest birth rate.  

q.What skills do you think you will need to be successful in the future? 

a. to predict what lessons bout technology will not be out dated by the time  you finish college. there are the teaching jobs that are important too. Then there is the jobs of the future like engineers and architect. then there are the scientists that are important as well.  

q.What do you think life will be like in 10 years here in New Mexico, in the U.S., and in the world?

a. I think that life will be in 10 years here would be more population and allot of more areas of cities. The water usages might go down even more than that of today. The air might be a little more polluted than the air of today. There could be that there might be a huge advancement in technology due to some great discovery in the future. There could also be the possibility of new ways to get rid of pollution and garbage too.  

My thoughts about the future

This video gave me some rely deep thoughts about our technology in the future, let me tell you some of my best thoughts: Imagine a computer that is installed through your ear or nose to communicate with your brain. The computer will feed images and sounds to your head that look and sound like you can see and hear them but however the computer is simply projecting them into your brain to look and sound like you’re seeing and hearing with your eyes and ears, so in other words a constructive illusion. You will be able to control the images you see with your words or thoughts and your hands. In the future there will be no need for phones, email, social networks, computers, or even buttons on anything, the computer will control your house door, your blender, your stove, your washer and drier, you will be able to type papers with your words, you will be able to literally be able to through a message to your friends,  every piece of technology that you can think of from a bike lock to a air plane will be controlled by this computer. There will be no need for buttons or screens. The computer will be powered by your diet, so everything you need to live the computer will use for power, we will need to eat more. With this computer the use of energy will drop, you will not go deaf or blind from media, and there will be only one to three forms of long-distance communication.     


the main fact the surprised me is the fact that china is going to be the worlds biggest english speaking country in the world. it surprised me because why would they start speaking english and just abandon their own language. to be successful in the future you will need to know how to work a computer, deal with technology and be able to fix almost any computer problem. i fill like its going to start progressing like the movie W.AL.E.E something like that. it would have people facing a computer screen all day, robots would play sports for us and everyone is going to be super fat.

Did you know?

That china's one is in a million is 23 the same as you.If facebook was a country it would be third most populated country in the world. 600 tweets a second.
You need skills that will wont be need tell 10 years later is amazing.
It will be more tech and less hands on jobs.

advanced technology

What facts from the video surprised you?
i think what surprised me was the while we were watching the video 65 babies were born. then how much technology has grown and by our third course everything that we learned in the first course is outdated. everything.

What skills do you think you will need to be successful in the future?
computer skills for sure. and just being up to date with everything. but still maintain a good job ethnic

What do you think life will be like in 10 years here in New Mexico, in the U.S., and in the world?  i think computers will take over the world.... lol jk :) maybe... 
i think that the world human population will have to work harder and harder at everything. or maybe the complete opposite. with technology becoming more advanced every 2 years, were going to have to adjust will all this "Power". one down fall is that we might be to dependant on this advancement that we will in a way "dumb" down and let the computers do all the thinking. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Water Scarcity on Earth

In an environment where the idea of fresh water running out is surreal, the importance of fresh water can often be insufficiently acknowledged. In reality, the world is being depleted of its safe fresh water supply to the point where more people globally are going thirsty as time progresses. Many countries in different continents are suffering because of water-related issues. Most of the world's fresh water supply is used for agriculture and industrial purposes, leaving only 8% for domestic and personal usage. Although this is a small percentage, it does leave at least some room for improving how the average person uses water.

There has been some talk as to whether water is a human right or not. In a perfect world, clean water should be available for all of Earth's inhabitants around the globe. However, opportunities to water are unevenly balanced among the world's countries. In the future, the crisis for water distribution should be lessened as a result of necessary actions to stop it.

Clean Water

I am glad that the world is taking an inishutive in saving the earth’s fresh water, however I was alarmed to find that we citizens of the earth are only responsible for 8% of the wasted fresh water, and the other 92% is because of agriculture and industry. I never knew this till now, fresh water activists never talk about what our government’s water wasting problems but they always have something to say about us… the 8%.  
      I was alarmed after I read the last paragraph: (“From a 2007 article by the Food and agriculture organization: "By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity, and two-thirds of the world's population could be living under water stress conditions, FAO said today. Water use has grown at more than twice the rate of population increase over the last century, making sustainable, efficient and equitable management of scarce water resources a key challenge for the future, according to FAO's Pasquale Steduto, current Chair of the United Nations coordination mechanism, UN-Water.”)(from the actual article). This is our future and we have to act now. 

Monday, March 18, 2013


people who can't access to water. walk hours and miles per day to get fresh water and even then it may not be clean.
Every 15 seconds, a child dies due to water-born diseases.
Georg Fischer awards for providing access to clean water. He involved in projects in developing countries and diseaster area to improve the water supply and 200,000 people received a better access to clean drinking water.

Water Waster :-(

 Fresh water  accounts  for only  2.5% of  the earth's water.  Is this really enough water for human and animal use for the entire world?  The Vatican and the UN are working together to address this issue of social justice, that all people have the right to clean water for drinking and use in our world. This is not a privilege but a human right. We need to better conserve water in as many ways as we can to conserve and reuse water including water usage for agriculture.


Exactly 2.5% is the total amount of fresh water in the total amount of global water. if only 2.5% of fresh water is needed to substane the world we need to be able to reuse our water. we need to make water problems a "global public good" if its public its more likely to become an issue to people,if its global then its a global issue, and if its good then the out come will also become good.


Christina Peppard talked about how fresh water has become very unavailable to many people. She talked about was their are many projects trying to save water but the real problem is the farming industry and their has been lots of people want to control drinking water. The other problem is the industry of big business that uses a lot of the water.
 She cites very reliable sources some of the numbers shocked  me that 1.8 billion people could be with out water in 2025 that was very shocking to me.


It's kind of strange to think that only 2% of the world's water is drinkable.and, by the year 2025 1.8 billion people will live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity. We need to come up with a sustainable and efficient way to manage the world's water use.

You Water Waster!! jk

i think its really crazy that us humans think that if we take a shorter shower or not let the water run while brushing your teeth then the earths saved! but in all reality we really need to be focusing on huge industry's that are gulping up our water. what shes doing is trying to get the word out. but arnt we all kinda? we want to be here for a long time but its going to be hard if we dont have water. well at least New Mexico wont have any water or money because of Texas.... 
i will admit america does take a lot of the clean water. we dont have to walk 15 miles to go get water that may or may not be clean.or were not worried if someone is dieing every 15 seconds. we need to start watching what were doing as a nation. i mean do we really need 15 thousand McDonald's or Walmarts???? i think not. we as a nation need to start looking at the bigger picture. 
Save water! before its to late....

Friday, March 8, 2013


1.) Research "food security" - what is it and why is it important?

Food Security means that all people at all times have physical & economic access to adequate amounts of nutritious, safe, and culturally appropriate foods, which are produced in an environmentally sustainable and socially just manner, and that people are able to make informed decisions about their food choices.
Food Security also means that the people who produce our food are able to earn a decent, living wage growing, catching, producing, processing, transporting, retailing, and serving food.

site :

2. Discuss the following: What are experts' concerns about genetically modified chile? 
in this video experts are concerned about genetically modify food.
They  mention that controlling the seeds is not some abstraction whoever provides the world's seeds controls the world's food supply. 
and also mentioned it is system base of illness so it will effect whole system such as create new disease, give harm our environment

3. Do you think their concerns are justified?
I think their opinion are reasonable. they have a prof that it is not healthy thing for our environment and body.

4.  How would you feel about red, green, or gm chile being your choice
 i think i will feel uncomfortable when i have to eat genetically modified chile. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Genetic Engineering of Foods

Food security measures whether people are guaranteed with enough food to supply their required nutrition. This is important because it has to do with the status of a nation, how a nation's people live, and what that nation does with food to have such conditions.

Experts are concerned over the necessity of genetically modifying foods. Genetic modification does not necessarily increase the yield of crops or improve other factors of agriculture. In fact, it actually causes deterioration in health and is a threat to the balance of our ecosystem. Their concerns are definitely justified because eating toxic food is a very serious matter. I would not feel comfortable about red, green, or genetically modified being my choices.


Food security is a measure of ensured access to essential nutrition, such as a countrie's  access to sufficient food that provides enough nutrition to live a balanced healthy lifestyle. It is important because it helps people become more healthy. The experts in "genetic chile" we're  concerned about genetically modified foods because they weren't modified to help. They still needed pesticides and were leaking nutrition. They were also concerned because the agricultural industry has turned into a corporate industry. There are more prisoners in the United States than there are farmers. Also, millions of people die form starvation every year, and most of them being children. Of those people, 90% of  them live in a country where they export foods to wealthier countries.


what is it: this is when people have safe nutritious food to maintain a sustainable diet.
why is it important: this is important so then people don't get fat and don't get sick. its also to make sure people are getting enough food. the world has so much food and everybody should be able to have some.
Website I Used: 
 Work Cited: "Food Security." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.

they are concerned because were eating this Chile and it could contain bad stuff and then that is now in our body. and just how it really shouldn't be touched by genetics. as it had said we don't control what the seeds come from the ground. they did make a good point of how the same big company's that once did genetics on the food are the ones controlling the food we eat.  the last question is kinda of hard for me to answer because i don't eat Chile at all... i think its really gross and hot. but i think it does change your mind about eating something that was once apart of your diet in New Mexico all of a sudden being told that its genetically modified. thats just nasty... 

genetic chiles

their biggest fear is that something horrible wrong will happen. maybe create a new sickness and start a world wide problem. yes anything wit modification in it means to me you can have concerns about it. it means that something about it is different and people want to know what that difference is so they have a right to question it and have concerns on it too. i would stick to naturally grown in soil not a factory with all those chemicals and gases to power the machines. to me i don't think its safe. and natural is i think more healthy.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Food! ;-) 2.5

1). The "USDA conducts and provides research on food security and hunger in U.S. households and communities. This research facilitates informed public debate regarding food security, and its impact on the well-being of children, adults, families, and communities, as well as its relationship to public policies, public assistance programs, and the economy"( USDA).

2). The video


A. What are experts' concerns about genetically modified chile?

- Experts are concerned because we are putting  chemical waste in our food that is contaminating our food and bodies. The hurts the eco system and impacts our health. This also impacts higher healthcare costs.

B.Do you think their concerns are justified? 

-I think that their concerns are justified because there is proof that is bad for humans and our environment. Some of the  food companies do not publish their findings about their crops for a long time which may be too late as they are already introduced into our food system.

C.How would you feel about red, green, or gm chile being your choices?

-I like locally grown chile and support small businesses therefore genetically modified chili that gets larger crops and bigger chili  would not be my choice.  I prefer New Mexico red chile over green chile, although many people like both. Locally grown and organic or not genetically modified chili is  better for our health and our environment. This is a New Mexico tradition that has been around for generations and is part of our culture that should be preserved for many years to come. 

                                                                           Work Cited

    global warming

    i couldn't watch the video in the link because of adobe, and i tried to watch it on an iPad and it wouldn't play. ill just answer the question through what i know. i think the main concern is that we may loose some key animals during climate change. like polar bears, they seen to be a mascot for climate change, other fish is the water gets to cold or to warm. and when we loose the fish we loose the predator that eats that fish. so i think what people are most afraid of is loosing one animal and then starts a chain reaction that will soon end on us. maybe in chapel when the room is not in use turn off all lights, and  electronics. we could recycle like we are already but have more bins around campus. my carbon footprint was for me 12 and my house was 23.

    Global Warming

    Global warming is one of Earth's biggest problems... We create something that is called a "carbon footprint" which literally is how much of the problem is caused by us. What's happening every minute of the day, Earth gets a little bit warmer, as that happens, our icebergs and glaciers begin to slowly melt away. Before we know it we will end up melting away all our glaciers, causing the sea levels around the world to rise.. Fir us in New Mexico, we don't have to necessarily worry about the sea level drastically affecting us, but for places like Louisiana, Hawaii, Cuba, Mexico and any other places near the sea, they will flood over and force the citizens to either migrate before the water hits, or die in the flood. Nevertheless, we must worry because it's crucial that we try to preserve the ozone sine it's our protector. If the ice melts, we won't have penguins or polar bears anymore, they'll drown and die away... Right now we're playing a chess game with ourselves that  we're losing, we've eliminated some of our pawns, as well as a couple of crucial pieces, we're so close to being in check that it's become life or death, but if we think smarter and work greener, we can eliminate our enemy and equalize the playing field. At Menaul, we can begin to learn better recycling habits, we can save energy by using lights in the buildings when we need them, we can turn off electical devices and unplug cords when we finish using them, and most importantly, we can begin to raise more awareness around our community. My carbon footprint is 25  tons of CO2 a year, it's surprising to see how much of a footprint I leave on this earth but I believe that if I attempt to change how much energy I use at home I can attempt  to lessen my footprint on this earth. 

    Earth and Climate Change

    Climate change is affecting our ecosystem is ways both immediate and prolonged, such as the melting of glaciers and the higher occurrence of natural disasters. Climate change also has an effect on the human population as well. It can cause phenomena such as poor planting seasons, floods, and decreased water sources. 

    Menaul School could try to spread more awareness about issues like this in order to aid in this cause. I can also attempt to lessen my carbon footprint.

    My carbon footprint was 24 tons of CO2, below the US national average. This did not surprise me. Menaul School's carbon footprint should be much larger. However, it can still be lessened through more efficient ways of using materials.

    Tuesday, March 5, 2013


    Global warming and climate change are very bad because they melt glaciers, and cause extreme weather conditions. With the melting of glaciers and antartica's ice, we could see parts of continents and islands disaster from all he water. It also does not give animals such as polar bears a place to live. Also, with the raise in temperatures, it is harder to grow crops to feed the increasingly large population.  To help the environment, and reduce global warming, menaul school could continue recycling, give incentives for riding to school or carpooling, and any other thing that might help the environment. Big or small.

    ERATH :-) 1.5

    Some of the primary concerns regarding climate change are: the ice caps melting in the arctic , green house gas emissions on the rise and  evidence of global warming. Another concern around global climate change is deforestation   around the world. We need to replant trees and  help regenerate the forests.

    The damaging effects that are projected to have  impact on the environment, and therefore on  the earth's human population include the following:  some the earth's islands will flood and become one with the ocean, less drinking water, small countries will disappear, and storms will become more severe.

    What could Menaul School do to help be part of the solution to global climate change? What can you do?

    I think that we should be required to bring a water bottle to school and we should stop spending money on disposable  plastic bottles. We should use less paper and use cloth napkins and rags as well as  have hand  dryers in the bathrooms.  We should have more recycling bins across campus. We should reward the teachers and students for recycling and make it fun.  We should continue our garden for use in the preparation of food in the cafeteria.
     I should recycle more and  pay more attention to my water use.

    global warming

    Global warming is an one of the serious issues that we need to solve. The top scientist in UN concluded our climate are changing.and it will effect our future so we shouldn't ignore it.

    Global warming is mainly cause of human activity including burning fossil fuels, cutting down so many trees for industry.
    and it make ocean to heat up and melting the ice. Also In the ocean and on the land all of species threatening and some of them may disappear forever because of the global warming.

    To prevent global warming the school can Turn off lights in empty classrooms and offices
    Turn off all lights at night.
    Turn off all computers and other equipment when nobody is using them.

    Global Warming: A Way Forward: Facing Climate Change

    1. What are some of the primary concerns about climate change - What damaging effects is it projected to have on the environment, and therefore, on earth's human population?

    A.   Some concerns that might be are the server weather storms, and  how the weather storms are becoming regularly. Then there who are  people cutting down forests at a fast rate and destroying many of our rain forests. There is also the concern of factories that pollute the air we breathe. 

    B. The effects we have on the earth is that we have to produce more of a certain things to sustain our growth in population, and thus polluting our environment further. There is also the effect of using up all of the resources to produce a certain necessities for living. The effect is also that we have polluted many of our water ways and our air that we breathe too. This could cause our children and their's after them that they have to deal with the effects of the air on them as well.

    2. What could Menaul School do to help be part of the solution to global climate change? What can you do?

    A. I think that Menaul School could do to help be a part of being the solution to global climate change is in a series of simple and easy steps. We could  find a different mode of transportation than polluting the air even more. Next we could cut back on the consumption of mass production like stop buying named brands that we know of.  Then we could not by bottle water due to proven facts, but yet we still do. Then cut back on consumption of water use and other necessities like lighting of our homes. Finally, we could research on other good ways to be apart of the solution of global warming. 

    3. Find out what your carbon footprint is at this link - - Did the results surprise you? What do you think Menaul School's carbon footprint is - how could we make that better?

    A. My Behavior breakdown was Home Energy (93.7%),Driving & Flying (0.0%),Recycling &Waste(1.0%), and Food & Diet (5.4%). I was surprised by how much I leave on the environment, and how much a U.S. average person I'am out of. I was 5.5 out of the total world, so that was pretty good. I think that Menaul's carbon foot print probably pretty bad, and that's what I'm guessing


            Global  warming heats the earth and water and in doing so melts ice. There are a lot of large body's of ice on this earth, so much that if all of it melted the sea level wold rise significantly and sink the 4/5 of the earths population that live on the coast into the sea.   
            To prevent this from happening the world must lower its carbon footprint. Menaul can use more fuel officiant cars and use more earth save ways to obtain energy such as solar panels and windmills.

    What are some of the primary concerns about climate change - What damaging effects is it projected to have on the environment, and therefore, on earth's human population?

    some concerns are the server weather storms and how they are becoming regularly and then people cutting down Forrest's and having huge factories polluting the air. the more we grow the more we have to produce and the more the earth gets dirtier.  

    What could Menaul School do to help be part of the solution to global climate change? What can you do?
     menaul could  stop using plastic water bottles then opening more windows instead of using the air conditioner. and also like not spend money on rocks but instead on more efficient ways to keep the school clean. for me i think kinda do the same only more just watching out what im doing to the environment. 

    Carbon footprint

    Carbon can help and aid global warming. It makes ice and have major weather events and can destroy property and other government buildings.
     Menaul can not through away as much trash and have more grass and tree's also repave the roads so that water doesn't set on it and just evaporate.
    My is 19 and national average of 27

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    Water and Statistics

    Earth is composed of 360 quintillion gallons of water, but only 0.007% of it is potable. Seven billion people live on Earth, and 1.2 billion do not have access to clean water. A hamburger requires 2,700 gallons of water to make, probably taking into account all of the water used to process one from its roots. The citizens of the United States consume the most water per capita than any other country in the world.

    My water footprint was 1,108 gallons, below the national average of 2,088 gallons.


    The Earth has 366,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water on it, but only .007% of that water is potable. today 7 billion people live and drink water, that's .001% of earths water per billion. 1.2 billion people do not have access to this small amount of water, that's about 20% of the world. it takes 2,700 gallons of water to make 1 burger because food takes water to grow/ raze, and to cook and prepare. the US consumes the most water per capita. I consume about 695 gallons a day the average for an american is 2,088.        


    How many gallons of water are there on earth?
    - Earth contains 366,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water. That is 366 quintillion gallons of water.

    What percentage of earth's water is potable (safe for humans to drink)?
    - Only .007% is potable

    How many people live on earth and how many do not have access to clean water?
    - 1.2billion people have no access to clean water.

    How many gallons of water does it take to make a hamburger? Why so much?
    - To make a hamburger it takes 2.700 gallons of water
    I guess it is because they need to give water to cow for making burger??

    The citizens of what nation consume the most water per capita?
    - America consumes most water per capita (151 gallons)


    Agua ☔🌊🏊🏄

    1)Earth has 366 quintillion gallons of water on it
    2) Only .007 is potable
    3) 1.2 billion people don't have access to clean water
    4)2,700 gallons of water are used to make 1 hamburger. I think it takes so much because of all the shipping of the meat and the processing of it

    Water ;-)

    How many gallons of water are there on earth?

    -366,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water.

    What percentage of earth's water is potable (safe for humans to drink)?

    - only .007% is potable to drink.

    How many people live on earth and how many do not have access to clean water?

    - 7 Billion people live on earth

    How many gallons of water does it take to make a hamburger? Why so much?

    - It take 2,700 gallons of water to make a hamburger.

    The citizens of what nation consume the most water per capita?

    - The United States consumes about 161 gallons per day.

    Water Facts

    Q.How many gallons of water are there on earth?

    A. 366 Quintillon Gallons of water on earth.  

    Q.What percentage of earth's water is potable (safe for humans to drink)?

    A.  Only 0.007 amount of water is potable.
    Q.How many people live on earth and how many do not have access to clean 

    A. There are 7 billion of us on the Earth and only 1.2 billion people have no access to fresh water. 

    Q.How many gallons of water does it take to make a hamburger? Why so much?

    A. A hamburger takes 2,700 gallons of water to make. It probably takes that much to make is because to amount of water to grow the wheat for the bun, and the amount of water for the cow(s) 

    Q.The citizens of what nation consume the most water per capita?

    A.  The U.S. is probably the nation that consumes the most water per capita, but which is about 151 gallons per day. 


    about 366,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water is on earth only 0.07 is drinkable. 366 quintillions is the same as 366,000,000,000,000,000,000. it takes 27,00 gallons of water to make a hamburger, because of all that power thats needed to produce and package the meat. and to give to the cow, because the cows need water too. and about the same reasons for every other ingredient, like buns, cheese, tomato, lettuce and so on. we consume the most water per day by 151 gallons, europe is 66 gallons a day and Africa is 5 gallons of water a day. there is 7 billion humans in the world today, and 1.2 billion people have no access to clean drinkable water. my score was 2,231. a little over the national score but it was because of the questions and i didn't know the answer so i just went with the average you start out with.

    Water dang I am thirsty

    How many gallons of water are there on earth?


    What percentage of earth's water is potable (safe for humans to drink)?


    How many people live on earth and how many do not have access to clean water?

    7.2 billion people live on earth but only 1.2 billion people have access to clean water.

    How many gallons of water does it take to make a hamburger? Why so much?

    2,700 gallons of water. because its all the factories and the process to get it to the fast food place.

    The citizens of what nation consume the most water per capita?

    America consumes most water per capita (151 gallons)

    My water usage is NaN

    water water WATER

    How many gallons of water are there on earth? 


    What percentage of earth's water is potable (safe for humans to drink)?


    How many people live on earth and how many do not have access to clean water?

    7 billion people live on earth but only 1.2 billion people have access to clean water. 

    How many gallons of water does it take to make a hamburger? Why so much?

    2,700 gallons of water. because its all the factories and the process to get it to the fast food place. 

    The citizens of what nation consume the most water per capita?

    America consumes most water per capita (151 gallons) 

    water used in the home and yard: 59 
    water used for your diet: 870 
    water used for transportation and energy: 182 
    water used by your stuff : 244
    its about average to the average american 

    Friday, March 1, 2013

    atom bomb cost of life, cost to the environment and social isssues

    The cost of life caused by the atom bomb was great compared to any other weaponry used. it did not only kill but also injured ans caused disease and radiation. When the atom bomb was dropped people remembered a quote about the "destroyer of worlds". This destroyer of worlds was not only a threat to the people but a threat to the environment also. When the A-bomb was dropped it caused a lot of harm and radiation to the environment. There has been a lot of discussion about this bomb but even now after seeing the devastation it has caused we can not make the decision to get rid of these weapons of mass destruction.        

    New Mexico and Texas

    Why has Texas filed a lawsuit against New Mexico with the U.S. Supreme Court? Do you think this lawsuit is justified - why or why not? 

    They filed a lawsuit against New Mexico because apparently New Mexico is failing at "water delivery commitments under the 1938 Rio Grande Compact." I don't think this is a justified reason because New Mexico is a very dry place. and Texas is a very different place. and New Mexico has been in a drought and we need the water a little more in New Mexico. 

    What, if anything, does this case tell us about the current importance of water scarcity as a source of conflict? What do you think can be done to avoid such conflicts on a global scale in the future?

    it brings us aware of whats happening with our water. we so share the river with Texas. this is a major conflict. one reason is that if you look at America we all ready have a hard time sharing and when it comes to something big like water then phew this should be fun. i think we need to stop being greedy and come to a agreement that we both need water. and its one of our main resources. divide it equally and make sure both states have enough water to survive 

    Texas filed a lawsuit that against New Mexico with the U.S supreme court.
    Because Texas suffered of the devastating drought.and New Mexico’s pumping of groundwater in the region below Elephant Butte Dam to the New Mexico-Texas border is reducing Rio Grande flows into Texas.
    Texas believed that New Mexico break their agreement used more ground water and doesn't give them the right amount of water through the rio grande.
    I think Texas and New Mexico can discuss about this problem and make an agreement instead of lawsuit other state. and to prevent this kind of problem. In my opinion, people should stop wasting water and save it

    The Problem with Water

    Texas has filed a lawsuit against New Mexico because it believes that New Mexico's use of more groundwater results in less water being distributed to Texas. Even though this may not be correct under the agreements involved, I think this case is justifiable because water is a very important resource that causes quite a bit of damage to an economy lacking it.

    This case tells us that even in our country, we have problems getting water effectively distributed everywhere. It tells us that we should be more efficient with our water so that shortages would not be so costly. As this case exemplifies, conflict can ignite as a result of water resources, especially during seasons of drought. Under the perfect system, however, these conflicts would have a lesser chance of occurring.

    In order to prevent these conflicts and improve the world's water supply, we should conserve more water and distribute it to places where it is very scarce. Of course, this idea will most not have that much of an effect because of the sheer stubbornness of people in this time period.