i think its really crazy that us humans think that if we take a shorter shower or not let the water run while brushing your teeth then the earths saved! but in all reality we really need to be focusing on huge industry's that are gulping up our water. what shes doing is trying to get the word out. but arnt we all kinda? we want to be here for a long time but its going to be hard if we dont have water. well at least New Mexico wont have any water or money because of Texas....
i will admit america does take a lot of the clean water. we dont have to walk 15 miles to go get water that may or may not be clean.or were not worried if someone is dieing every 15 seconds. we need to start watching what were doing as a nation. i mean do we really need 15 thousand McDonald's or Walmarts???? i think not. we as a nation need to start looking at the bigger picture.
Save water! before its to late....
Its always Texas