Texas has filed a lawsuit against
New Mexico with the U.S Supreme Court charging that New Mexico’s pumping of
groundwater in the region below. New Mexico states that it is sending the water
to the Texas side as required. A state attorney general said in a recent
statement that Texas is “ trying to rustle New Mexico’s water and using a
lawsuit to extort an agreement that would only benefit Texas while destroying
water resources for hundreds of thousands of New Mexican’s”. Texas just wanted
more water and they wanted a lawsuit but it did not work because New Mexico
proved that they were not doing such.
Texas lost!
I do not think that the lawsuit was
justified because Texas wanted more water and New Mexico could have provided
the water but Texas wanted it now so they were unpleasant and unreasonable
This case tells us the importance of water but we can not always share a large amount of water because we need
some for our desert/ drought stricken state. We live in a desert and we all
know how important water is because it is very dry and it does not rain enough so we need it for our
farmers and the way of life in our cities and communities.
I think that we should talk with the U.S Supreme
Court and Texas and we can discuss the water laws and talk to one another and
come to an agreement in some way.